Advance! 2024
The third annual Advance! miniature wargaming convention hosted by the San Diego Historical Miniature Wargamers took place on April 13, 2024 at the La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center.
Focused on miniature gaming, there were several tournaments/group events and a Flea market.
Bookmark this page to be on the lookout for details to follow and, for any questions, feel free to send an e-mail to the Advance! General Staff at:
La Mesa Adult Enrichment Center 8450 La Mesa Blvd. La Mesa, CA 91942
There is extremely limited parking on site at the Enrichment Center. An overflow parking lot exists across University Avenue at Kuhlken Field and is the most likely location from an availability standpoint. There may be street parking in the neighborhood with either meters or restrictions.
Click the link below for access to a parking map and more information on the town of La Mesa (food options, things-to-do, etc.).
See the schedule below for a comprehensive list of available games. There may also be tournaments, with games and details to follow!
Have stuff you want to see re-homed? Interested in finding that obscure mini you’ve always wanted? Tables will be available to set-up for sellers at $10/table. Get your table reservation using the Advance! 2024 Store (link above)!
For convention tickets, flea market tables, and raffle tickets, click on the “Advance! 2024 Store” link above!
Advance! 2024 Painting Competition!!!!
This convention held the Advance! First Annual Painting Competition! We were excited to see the incredible talent and craftsmanship of miniature painters from across the realm. See below for categories, descriptions, and full rules for the competition.
This category celebrates the best painted historical military units. From ancient warriors to modern soldiers, showcase your skill in bringing historical battles to life on the tabletop. Must contain at least FIVE miniatures to qualify as a “unit”.
Delve into the intricate details of historical personalities, heroes and figures with this category. Whether it’s a knight in shining armor or a renowned general, let your brushstokes capture the essence of history.
Show off your mastery in painting historical vehicles, war machines, or weapons in this category. Be it a tank from World War II or a medieval siege weapon, bring these iconic pieces of history to vivid life.
Unleash your creativity with this category, where sci-fi and fantasy worlds collide. From alien creatures to mythical beings, let your imagination run wild and paint a ingle figure that embodies the essence of these genres.

Testimonials from Advance! 2023
I had such a blast playing in this game, commanding the right flank for the rebels. I lost an entire line of foot in one shot to devastating cannon fire, and barely managed to hold on as my fellow commanders seized the day on the left and center flanks. Thanks so much to Bill, Wade, John, Owen, Jon, and Chuck for a great battle and warm welcome to the hobby. Like
Garrett Kelly
A big "Thank You" to the guys (and gals) who did the hard work to make Advance! the success it was. It was so great to see so many gaming friends all in one place.
John Kevin Smith
Great game (10mm ACW Commands & Colors), had a great time playing it. Thanks to the gamemaster and the other players who made the game so enjoyable.
John E. Barsanti
Great day at ADVANCE 2023! I got there halfway through but there was lots of action, great looking tables, and of course, a lot of happy people.
Tom Seeling
Just got back home from Advance '23. The premier historical gaming convention of SoCal. Had a great time and already looking forward to next year's. I can see it becoming the Historical Rendezvous of Wargamers of SoCal .
Luis Medrano
Thank you for the warm welcome. DMH (Dead Man's Hand) had 2 other players joining the table. Great play with Mike and Anders. It was my 4th time running a game of DMH for a group. I enjoyed it very much.
Elliot Aleman-Gomez
Great con!
Michael Sterling
Friends and Sponsors
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”
— Cicero
Thanks to all the entities below helping to make Advance! 2023 a success!!!!
A Special Thanks to the following individuals:
Ross Thompson
John Kevin Smith
Hallowed Grognard, Donor
Megan Loughran
Convention Admin
Ben Cornelius
Painting Judge
David J. Blood
Gamer, Donor
Will Scarvie
Gamer, Donor
Bill Cole
Marc Rubin
GM, Donor
Just some of what you might see at the next Advance!

List of Games
Here was the lineup of games at Advance! 2024
Saga Tournament
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM, later if needed Gamemaster: Steve Phallen Ruleset: Saga, 2nd Ed. (NO AGE OF MAGIC) Scale: 28mm Max Players: 12
Our third annual Saga event at Advance! This will be a three round day with 6 point armies, using any available warband except Age of Magic.
Players should bring their own warband of miniatures, rules, a copy of the October 21 rules FAQ and FAQ for your warband, appropriate “Age” book for their army, dice, fatigue markers, range rulers, battleboard and a pen or pencil. Miniatures should be appropriate to the warband and allow an opponent to clearly determine different unit types and equipment options. Miniatures should be painted.
Loaner armies are available. If you need a warband please contact Steve to set up a lender army. If you have a 4x3 game mat or objective tokens please bring those too. More information will be posted on the Saga SoCal Facebook Group or e-mail Steve Phallen at for more information as we get closer to the Con.
Legion Imperialis
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Gamemaster: Joseph Fusco and Danny Libby Ruleset: Epic 30K Scale: 8mm Max Players: 8
A 3-round casual tournament using official scenarios. Awards for winners, best painted, and sportsmanship.
3 Rounds
1500 lists per official list-building rules.
1 bonus Reaver added to your 1500-point army ignoring construction rules.
No volcano cannons.
If you do not have a Reaver there are plenty of painted ones to loan.
Spots are limited! For pre-signups please e-mail
DBA Tournament
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM, later if needed Gamemaster: Hosted by HMGS-PSW Ruleset: DBA 3.0 Scale: 15mm Max Players: None
De Bellis Antiquitatus, or DBA, is a fast play set of rules covering ancient and medieval wargaming. It has influenced many recent popular rulesets, including Impetus, Lion Rampant, Mortem et Gloriam, and Sword and Spear.
Using 12 ‘elements’ of various types (infantry and cavalry), players maneuver and battle, using a single d6 for all aspects of play, on a 2’x2’ board.
Come enjoy some ‘Barkerese’ discussions with fellow wargamers, roll high with PIPs, and enjoy some truly old-school wargaming at it’s finest!
Infinity 3-Round ITS Tournament
Time: 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM Gamemaster: Bruce Mulmat Ruleset: Infinity Scale: 28mm Max Players: 12
Infinity ITS 3 round 300 point tournament. 10 dollar buy in to organizer in order to play in the tournament (covers prize support). Tournament link will be up on infinity OTM. Missions to be announced.
Siege of Firebase OMEGA! (Sci-Fi)
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Gamemaster: Bill Graham Ruleset: Xenos Rampant Scale: 28mm Max Players: 4-6
Welcome to the grimdark future of 40,000 years hence! A horde of Space Orcs are about overrun an Imperial Guard firebase on Planet Altar-3. A relief force of Guard backed up by Space Marines seeks to break the siege before Orc reinforcements, and possibly some Necrons exploiting the situation, can prove decisive. Come play and see how the miniatures agnostic ruleset of Xenos Rampant can be your ticket to breaking out all those old WH40K minis laying around!!!!
Battle of Oak Grove, the Peninsular Campaign (ACW)
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Gamemaster: Rich Norton Ruleset: With Hot Lead and Cold Steel Scale: 10mm Max Players: 6
The Battle of Oak Grove, fought on June 25, 1862, was one of the early engagements of the Peninsula Campaign during the American Civil War. It took place in eastern Virginia, near Richmond, the capital of the Confederate States of America.
The Battle of Oak Grove began when elements of McClellan's army, commanded by General Samuel P. Heintzelman, moved forward to probe the Confederate defenses. Confederate General Robert E. Lee, who had taken command of the Confederate forces following the wounding of General Joseph E. Johnston at Seven Pines, had entrenched his army along the Williamsburg Road, forming a defensive line. The Union forces are trying to push through to capture the hilltops beyond, so they can shell Richmond.
Come try out the latest Osprey “Blue Book” war-game for some fun and easy ACW action!
It's a Big Country! (Old West)
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Gamemaster: Timothy Greene Ruleset: Counting Coup and Cutting Horses Scale: 28mm Max Players: 6
Travel back to the Old West in the 1860's and take control of a U.S. Cavalry patrol, an Indian war party, buffalo hunters etc. and move around the table fighting other players, or non-player forces generated by the system while scoring Glory Points.
Battle for Nyezane River, January 1879 (Colonial)
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Gamemaster: Philip Chiu Ruleset: Battles for Empire II Scale: 28mm Max Players: 6
On the same day of the Isandlwana disaster where a force of over 1,200 British and colonial troops were overwhelmed by 20,000+ Zulus, another British column (supported by Naval troops and engineers) was attacked while crossing the river at Nyezane. Despite the British forces being divided by the river, they held off repeated Zulu attacks and won the field (and destroying a Zulu Kraal in the process).
A Ticket to Mars (Post-Apocalyptic)
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Gamemaster: Pat Wells Ruleset: Gaslands Reloaded Scale: 1/64 Max Players: TBD
In this alternate-history post-apocalyptic car combat game, players compete to earn a ticket off a devastated Earth to a colonized Mars, victorious over a battle with the Earth.
Using customized off-the-shelf die-cast vehicles, players will ram, skid, and race their way through wreckage hoping to earn a coveted trip off planet!
Davout and the Archduke Karl (Napoleonics)
Time: 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM Gamemaster: Marc Rubin Ruleset: Et Sans Resultat, 2nd Ed. Scale: 15mm Max Players: 8 (GM may be able to accommodate more)
A might-have-been battle at the start of the 1809 Campaign! 15mm Napoleonics!!!
Units are battalions, squadron groups, and batteries. Players will command Divisions and Corps. This is a set piece battle.
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Ludus (Ancients)
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Gamemaster: Rene Lafargue Ruleset: Ludus Gladiatorius! Scale: 28mm Max Players: 12
For those about to die…. Fast and furious Gladiator combat in Ancient Rome! Gain favor from the Emperor as you take part in mortal combat against other Gladiators from around the Roman Empire.
Players can try a variety of Gladiator styles throughout the session. Rules are easy to learn and players should be able to pick up and start rolling dice within 10 minutes! Combat is quick and deadly! Single combat, group combat and perhaps even a lion or three! The games are fast and furious so be prepared for multiple combats!
Flames of War/Team Yankee
Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Gamemaster: Josh Millwood Ruleset: Flames of War Scale: 15mm Max Players: 4
Join us for some Flames of War (WW2) or Team Yankee (Cold War Gone Hot!) action! We’re eager to teach you how to play, and get you interested in playing the game!
Conquering the Lair of the Fascist Beast! (WW2)
Time: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Gamemaster: Andrew Sadera Ruleset: Bolt Action Scale: 28mm Max Players: 8
This WW2 battle takes place in Berlin near the end of the war. The 28mm armies for both sides (Germans vs Soviets) will be provided by the organizers. The armies will include lots infantry, armor, support vehicles, artillery, and many other units of this era. First timers are welcome to play; proctors will provide assistance. .This game will be played with a massive (FIVE FOOT SQUARE!) 3D printed Reichstag - so take pictures and have fun. We look forward to seeing you.
Seize the Alien Cargo! (Sci-Fi)
Time: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Gamemaster: David Blood and Bill Graham Ruleset: Space Weirdos Scale: 28mm Max Players: 4
A crashed spaceship filled with unknown alien technology has been detected in an urban quarter. Four different factions, consisting of a cyberpunk gang, Corporate special operations personnel, Space Cultists and Law Enforcement race to the scene to make this shipment their own. Space Weirdos is a low model count Sci-Fi skirmish ruleset using minimalist game design philosophies to get players playing quickly.
Battle of Xenon (Space/Aerial Warfare)
Time: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Gamemaster: Curtis Clason Ruleset: X-Wing Miniatures Epic Rules Scale: 1/270 Max Players: 6
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away…. An Imperial strike force has dropped out of hyperspace expecting to ambush a supply convoy, but instead finds a battle group led by a massive Rebel frigate.
A Desperate de Gaulle, Battle of Moncormet, May 1940 (WW2)
Time: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Gamemaster: Brett Lynam Ruleset: What a Tanker! Scale: 15mm Max Players: 8
May, 1940. The German invasion of France is well under way. General de Gaulle, outnumbered and lacking air support, launches a desperate attack to retake the strategic town of Moncormet, now held by the 1st Panzer division.
What a Tanker is easy to learn and easy to play. Command either a French or German tank and help secure victory for your nation! If your tank is knocked out, fear not! Grab another and get back in the fight!
All materials provided, no experience needed. Come have some fun invading/defending France!
Triumph at Dessau Bridge (TYW Pike & Shotte)
Time: 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Gamemaster: Wade Page and SDHMWG Club Ruleset: Tercios (Brevis Edition) Scale: Warlord Epic Scale (~15mm) Max Players: TBD
Epic Pike & Shotte at its finest! We’ll loosely interpret the Battle at Dessau Bridge, nearly 400 years after the fact. In April 1626, Wallenstein inflicted a major wound on the Protestant cause by soundly defeating Mansfeld at Dessau Bridge. Protestant players will try to not emulate the far too overconfident Mansfeld while Catholic players will embrace their inner Wallenstein and use superior positioning and strategy to hold off the crossing of the Elbe.
This game will use the Tercios (Brevis Edition) ruleset, a free (fast and easy, too) abridgment of the Tercios Liber Militum rules - each player will receive a complimentary set of the rules to take home.
Come see our 2024 Club Project in action, and the rest of the campaign awaits if you want to join. All miniatures and game aids for this session will be provided by the Gamemaster and host club, San Diego Historical Miniature Wargamers!
La Grande Battle - Austerlitz, 1805
Time: 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Gamemaster: Rich Norton Ruleset: Commands & Colors (Napoleonics) Scale: N/A (C&C Blocks) Max Players: 8
In honor of one of Advance! 2024’s sponsors, relax and unwind after a hard day of miniatures with a little Richard Borg action.
The Battle of Austerlitz, famously known as the "Battle of the Three Emperors," was a pivotal engagement during the Napoleonic Wars, fought on December 2, 1805, near Austerlitz in the Austrian Empire. In this epic clash, Napoleon Bonaparte's French forces faced off against the combined armies of the Austrian Empire and the Russian Empire, led by Emperor Alexander I.
Employing masterful tactics and exploiting the enemy's weaknesses, Napoleon executed a brilliant maneuver known as the "Double Envelopment," encircling and decisively defeating the larger Allied force. The battle showcased Napoleon's military genius and marked a turning point in the Napoleonic Wars, solidifying French dominance in Europe for years to come.
Choose your side in this historic clash and see if you can change history. We will be using the La Grande Battles rules to fight this battle. Come join us for this great nightcap game to finish your day.