Southwest Con (SWC)
SWC’s goal is to become a convention that is a blend of Tradeshow/Gaming Convention. We will encourage distributors and vendors to attend as well as participate. We will look to have great feature games as well as tournament play. This convention will not be limited to Historical wargames, but open to other genera as well. Cuniado Games is the primary sponsor of the convention and will be sponsoring several games using the Warlord Games product line.

Border Reiver Campaign (FINALE)
Which family will reign supreme in the Marches??????
The epic conclusion to the 2023 SDHMWG Border Reiver campaign will see a massive raid by all families. Fortunes will be won, Legacies will be forged, and Livestock will be stolen….

Border Reiver Campaign
Episode VIII, the penultimate event in the SDHMWG Border Reiver Campaign.

Age of Sail: The Battle of the First of June
A representation of the battle of The Glorious First of June 1794, the first naval battle of the Revolutionary period.
Hosted by John Kevin Smith.

A Truce Day Gone Wrong (Border Reivers Campaign)
Kickoff of the club Border Reivers campaign! The families have met to deal with some March Justice at the Truce Day. Unfortunately, some ill-advised ale consumption, poorly chosen words, and a gandermooner taking liberties with someone's kickie-wickie have made for a volatile situation. It's now every man for himself as the families start fisticuffs....
For the campaign, you need to construct your family, using an intiial fund of 150 crowns (points). You must have a leader, and no more than 3 heroes. Do not forget to include skilled characters (except for the Envoy, Assistant, and Lacky). Leaders and Heroes will have a campaign casualty mechanism which may allow them to survive an encounter, but your soldiers and skilled characters are fodder and will always perish if lost in a game, and thus will need to be replaced. Use the family roster (DM me if you don't have it) to track your family. For the game, we'll play at 50 points. No mounted characters.
Don't be a lubberwort and miss out on the campaign - there's still time to get some border reivers painted up and join in the fun!!!

French & Indian War Village Attack
French and British meet at a tiny frontier village to control the food from the harvest. Using Muskets & Tomahawks II. 8 players max.
Hosted by Steve Phallen

Blue Max
WWI air combat using Blue Max miniatures rules. Players that haven't played before are encouraged to arrive early so they can get a flying lesson before the bullets start flying.
If you have 1/144 scale planes feel free to bring your own, but I have plenty of planes and everything needed to play.
With any luck we might be able to get two scenarios in.
To continue in the tradition of the western and pirate games, wear a bit of aviator costume and get a free re-roll.
28mm ACW Spec Ops!
A special operations scenario set during the American Civil War. Using Rebels & Patriots rules! Hosted by Rick Schuldt.

Dragon Rampant (Open Gaming)
Summon your Warband - Dragon Rampant returns to SDHMWG on an open gaming night! Using Dan Mersey’s Dragon Rampant rules, modified by club/house rules discussed prior to play, use your 30(ish) points of Dwarves, Orcs, Fishmen, Dragons, time-traveling men in butternut (pretty much ANYTHING can be used with a good backstory in the game, if you haven’t figured it out by now) to take on your opponent and their warband.

Commando Raid! (Cruel Seas)
A Cruel Seas game involving an attack on a Nazi submarine base, including a tied-in commando raid!!!
Based on the Saint Nazaire raid of March 1942, where a British amphibious attack was undertaken by Royal Navy and Commandos against the large dry dock at Saint Nazaire, in German occupied France. “Chariot” was the codename of the combined operation. The French harbor was in fact an important logistic point for the German Kriegsmarine in the Atlantic. The raid was conducted by some destroyers and by a motor launches flotilla that provide the transport duties of British Commandos. The operation was successful done and the dry dock was damaged and unusable until the end of the war.

Assault on the Maro Stronghold (AK 47)
“Blood spilt and machines destroyed are not the measure of this war. This is our Jihad, we are the mujahideen and thusly we are invincible, for God is Great!”
Russian motorized columns attack a Taliban stronghold while air assault troops man blocking positions near the Pakistani border. 15mm game using modified AK-47 rules.

First Contact! Aztecs vs Conquistadors
Hernan Cortes, having scuttled his fleet at Vera Cruz, survived a tenuous engagement with the Tlaxcalans, and massacring the Cholula leadership, now proceeds on to Tenochtitlan to meet the Aztec Emperor, Moctezuma. Having rebuffed attempts by Moctezuma to bribe him, Cortes continues forward. Moctezuma, fearful that Cortes is the divine envoy of Quetzlcatal, prophesied to return in the ‘One Reed’ year of 1519, surreptitiously sends warriors out to ambush the Spaniards and their tubes that spit fire. Will the indomitable Cortes force his way through the ambush to march on Tenochtitlan, or will Moctezuma exact an early revenge????
A Rick Schuldt special event using a new club-written ruleset, The Conquistador’s Lament (based off of Daniel Mersey’s Rampant-system)!

We fired our cannon at least two hours or more... The Battle of Cape Henry, 1781
A depiction of the Battle of Cape Henry, 16 March 1781. The convoy carrying French troops to Yorktown must push through the British fleet.

CONGO - Adventures in Darkest Africa!
CONGO - Adventures in the Heart of Africa play night.
This game is a Pulp Era, small unit, skirmish type game based on the exploration of Africa. There are four official (and two more unofficial) alliances available for players forces.
There is space for 12 players in three 4-player games. Models will be provided but feel free to bring your own forces - from 70 to 90 points.

Colonial Commands & Colors (Anglo-Zulu War)
We'll be using the Command & Colors rule system to fight a battle during the Anglo-Zulu War. As always, I have a few rules modifications that will try to capture some of the flavor of the period.
Sharpen your iklwa and make sure your bayonet is fixed!

Warlands! Post-Apocalyptic Car COMBAT
WARLANDS IS BACK! 20mm post apocalyptic car-nage! Ride along the Fury Road of death, all shiny and chrome where the Warboys and Wasteland Cretins battle for every drop of the guzzoline!
I will have plenty of cars to spare but will cap at a certain number of players to make manageable.
Give your life for your Warlord and be WITNESSED!

Beau Gestesque
20mm Colonial French Foreign Legion action... scenario TBD. But there will be a fort, sand and blood. So much blood.…

Kirangozi, lift the flag, and MARCH!
Come listen to the sounds of the jungle as your expedition searches among the Mountains of the Moon….
CONGO - Adventures in the Heart of Africa play night.
This game is a Pulp Era, small unit, skirmish type game based on the exploration of Africa. There are four official (and two more unofficial) alliances available for players forces.
There is space for 8 players in two 4-player games.
Models will be provided but feel free to bring your own forces - from 70 to 90 points.

Two Gods: Persuasion and Compulsion (Commands & Colors Ancients)
The great Themosticles said he had two gods - persuasion and compulsion. Can he lead the Greeks in the successful defense of a Persian invasion? Will Athenian democracy survive? Experience the full glory of Commands & Colors ancients during this Greco-Persian War battle, with 200+ fully painted miniatures taking the field courtesy of Rick!

Advance! 2022
The inaugural San Diego Historical Miniature Wargamers mini-con! See the buttons above for more info and to make your reservation!

What a Tanker!
“Refill gas and ammo, get some chow and see what you can do about the mechanical issues. We move out at 1730.”
What a Tanker! is an easy to play game where each player controls one tank and, through use of dice and their “dashboard” attempts to destroy as many enemy vehicles as possible while keeping their own tank alive. What? You screwed up and brewed up? No worries, get in another tank and get back in the fight!
Expect room for 8 players max, either all together or in two games of four. But additional players should be able to rotate in when people get destroyed.

Blood Red Skies: Battle of the Coral Sea
8 May, 1942, 0820 aboard the USS Lexington, the Lady Lex’s 1MC comes alive with the call: “Pilots, man your planes!!!!”
Take flight with your squadrons and embark in a game of cat and mouse in the Pacific. This event will be based off the clash between the American and Japanese naval air forces at Coral Sea in 1942.
We will be playing Warlords Blood Red Skies and models will provided, though you are more than welcome to bring your own if you’d like show them off.

Ludus Gladiatorius
Another action filled night of gladiatorial combat! Come throw your net, jab with the spear, and finish off your opponent with a glorious sword thrust. Don’t play nice - the Emperor and the crowd want blood and you risk his wrath if you dance like a butterfly but fail to sting like the bee!!!